Tune in to 360° live streams of the film Big Astronomy: People, Places, Discoveries on September 26, on the Big Astronomy YouTube Channel. If you would like to share links in advance, they are below:
Times in Eastern
3 pm: Stream of film in English, immediately followed by a conversation with the Production Team
5 PM: Stream of the Film in Spanish
6 PM: Educational Activity Demonstration – Watch on Facebook Live @BigAstronomy
8 PM: Stream of the Film in English
10 PM: Stream of the Film in English
The events are also all listed on our Facebook page, and the link is included in each event.
We’d love you to be involved in the premiere. If your planetarium is open, you can request the film to show. If your planetarium is physically closed, you can stream the film in 360° to your social media channels. You can download a package of files and instructions for doing so in the same place you can download or request the fulldome files, on our Fulldome page here.
We will be streaming the film four times on September 26 to our YouTube channel, and sharing to our Facebook. You are welcome to share one of our streams, or create your own stream in a time more convenient for your institution.
Again, to tune in or share on September 26, here are the links to the live streams:
Times in Eastern
3 pm: Stream of film in English, immediately followed by a conversation with the Production Team
5 PM: Stream of the Film in Spanish
6 PM: Educational Activity Demonstration – Watch on Facebook Live @BigAstronomy